Welcome to our interactive capture page for Faramondo, captured live on location at North Park University on December 8, 2021. The four video angles found below the introduction video are aligned with the same timing and chapter markers, with the intent that you, the viewer, can easily jump around scenes and explore different perspectives. Enjoy!
Introduction about the production from the directors, George Cederquist and Josh Quinn.
House Left Camera
House Right Camera
Birds-eye Camera
Moving Camera
North Park University
School of Music, Art, and Theatre
MMVP Program
Opera Workshop
Final Presentation
Faramondo (1738)
by G. F. Handel
Libretto by Apostolo Zeno
Cast (in order of solo singing)
Gustavo ………… Elisha MacKal
Teobaldo ………… Samuel Varghese
Adolfo ………… Diana Monacelli
Clotilde ………… Molly Chesna*
Childerico ………… Semajah Parker
Rosimonda ………… Catherine Larson
Faramondo ………… Madison Petrusevski
Gernando ………… Amelia Harlovic
*NPU MMVP Alumna
Supertitles translation
Josh Quinn
Supertitles preparation
Emma Gingold, Catherine Larson, Elisha MacKal, Diana Monacelli
Master electrician
Kyle Bajor
Music preparation, piano and harpsichord
Josh Quinn
Stage Director
George Cederquist
Audio/Video Production by
Atlas Arts Media
Audio-Engineer and Videographer
Aaron Gottl
Additional Audio and Video Support
Matt Peckham, Peckham Media Productions